Right click on each image to save it and publish on your website and social media. Each post has been optimized for Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and email newsletter and a website ad.
Here’s a Instagram caption template you might like to use!
There are so many great things about #schoolbreakfast! Here are just a few:
#schoolnutrition #childnutrition #schoolfood #schoolmeals #schoolfoodservice #k12 @sealevelsocial
Here’s a Facebook template you might like to use!
There are so many great things about our school breakfast program! Here are just a few:
Here’s a Twitter template you might like to use!
There are so many great things about our #schoolbreakfast program! Here are just a few:
#childnutrition #schoolnutrition @sealevelsocial
Send this email header image to your district and/or school communications contact and ask them to include it in the next district/school email blast to parents!
Send this website ad graphic to your district’s IT/Communications contact and ask them to add it to your district website.
If you have any questions or have a suggestion for something we can add to our Breakfast Benefits Marketing Kit, please contact me directly at liz@sealevelsocial.com and thank you for all that you do to serve your students and community!
Sea Level Social – Liz Roesel and Arianne Hurtado