COVID-19 Marketing Resources

We hope these resources help you feed more students while schools are closed visit here If you have a marketing need that you don’t see here, let us know and we will not only create a custom version for you, but add a generic version here for other school districts to use.

Custom Google Map of Your Serving Sites

We will plot your serving sites or bus routes into a professional, easy-to-read Google Map. This makes it easy for you to promote your serving sites and parents to find them. (Here is the map we made for Laurens School District 55 as an example.) Click here to request a map.

Coloring Page

Insert a coloring page into your meal bags to let students know that you miss them and remind them to eat their fruits and veggies! Click here to download it.

Custom Lunch Tray Graphic

This professional infographic shares your department’s data and notable successes and is designed with your district’s color scheme. Request this fan favorite freebie to tell everyone how many meals you’ve served during school closures. Click here to request a custom lunch tray graphic.

Custom Survey

Do you need a survey for delivery orders, gauge parent interest or gather other valuable information? Let us know what information you’d like to gather and we will create a survey for you. Click here to request a survey.

Facebook Frames

All eyes are on Coronavirus Health Heroes right now – including you! Let your friends and family know that #schoolnutritiondoesntstop with a Facebook Frame. From Facebook, click your profile picture, click “Add Frame,” and search “school nutrition” to find three that we created and others as well!

The Gifs that Keep on Giving

Bring your Instagram and Facebook Stories to life with school nutrition gifs, including one that specifically says “Serving Sites.” Just search “school nutrition” in the Gifs section of Instagram or Facebook Stories.

Coming Soon: Social Media Graphics